quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2016

Psycho! #3.5 in English

The following events happen between chapters 3 and 4 and explain a little of what there is behind history besides beginning to reveal the past of some characters

Chapter 3.5- Power
Legend: Name: speech;
(): Thinking
[]: Local specification, observations

[Kiyou's Room:]
Kiyou: So I want to start it now !!
Lee: When you're ready meet me in a few minutes, Daisuke will take you there!
Daisuke :!

[minutes later:]
Daisuke[at the door:]  Kiyou, you're already ready? It has 15 minutes you're changing yourself ...
 Kiyou: Just a moment i'm ending ...
Daisuke: ...
Kiyou: A little more...
Daisuke: ...
Kiyou: It's almost...
Daisuke: ... ???
Kiyou: I'm ready...
Daisuke:  (Will be? He's ? Not possible)What are you doing there?
Kiyou [opening the door]: Only cut the hair, which was that face is this?
 Daisuke: No, never mind, let's going...
[Walking down the hall]
   Daisuke: What change is this? You changed the haircut and are more silent ...
   Kiyou: I'm avoiding talk much, I'm not looking a swollen eye again.
   Daisuke: ahahahaha so is this, I will not hit you, in fact the only "hot nervous" here is Mei, the others are calmer, and will not hit you if you don't bother much.
   Kiyou: You told that girl, Mei, is she back?
   Daisuke: No, but it's normal she go out without warning and get days off.
   Kiyou: So, She's always alone?
   Daisuke: No, despite having a short temper she is "docile" much of the time, what happened is that she met you on a bad day, and the next morning you "stepped on her toes"...
   Kiyou: What do you mean, what have I done?
   Daisuke: Her family ... one of the organization leaders, killed everyone in front of her using psychic powers, no he did worse he controlled her family to for them to kill one on another, apparently her parents had a debt with the killer, Mei escaped because she was hidden in the closet and luckily was not seen or noticed, and at the time she was only nine years ...
   Kiyou [stopping]: And I had no idea that she had gone through all this ...
   Daisuke: Some time later Saya found her close to death in an alley, and rescued her ... But you do not have guilt, because now you are in the same bo-at ... (I think I said too much).
   Kiyou: ........... I was already getting used to the idea that my family had been killed even before coming here ...
   Daisuke: .............
   Kiyou [looking at the floor]: And you ...? How you  ended up here ...?
   Daisuke [turning to walk]: One day my brother disappeared without a trace, the police couldn't come up with anything, and I started to investigate on my own, and found in my brother's research a note, didn't seem much at first, but he had a hidden encoding and he knew that only I would understand, and a time later I found the Resistance, and when I notied was already in the mid of all this game ...
   Kiyou: ...
  Daisuke: As for my brother, I knew he had joined the Resistance and his last whereabouts was in the United States ...
  Kiyou: Hm? Are you okay?
  Daisuke: It's nothing too worry [smiles].
  Kiyou: Oh yeah, you was telling me that Mei hates psychic powers and the Organization ...
  Daisuke [at the entrance of an empty floor]: We, you will have time to ask it to her personally if she does not flay you all first hahaha.
  Kiyou: Noooooo, tells me first.
  Lee: Keep calm Kiyou , you'll have time to talk later.
  Daisuke [leaving]: So long and good luck, you will need.
  Kiyou: Ah by the way, what's was your name?
  Daisuke [leaving]: Daisuke ...
  Lee: Sit there'll talk a little Kiyou ...
   Daisuke: (He seems like a nice guy, it does not seem that attempted suicide and neither seems to have struck with the death of the family ...)
[Looking for a window]
(It's been a year, are you doing out there, brother ...)
[Empty Floor]
   Kiyou: Okay, you can start ...
   Lee: I'll try to be quick and direct, first since when you have these premonitions?
   Kiyou: Dunno think always, only they never showed important things or of great relevance in my life, but they have occurred with more frequency and relevance of a time here ... a month ... Sin-ce when you lent me one mp3 player...
   Lee: And ...
   Kiyou: How 'and'? You will not tell me what you did to me?
   Lee: First I did not do anything, it was on your own mind, and second I want to know if you liked the music ...
 Lee: Well, we're  in a hospital and you were hospitalized in the psychiatric ward ...
   Kiyou [ironic]: Okay, Doctor the only thing I noticed was that I began to think more and that my dreams became more frequent, happy now ...
   Lee [deep breath]: you get the music?
   Kiyou: I think so, because I have listened to all at least 30 times.
   Lee: I'm no saying decorating, I'm telling understand ...
   Kiyou: You talk feel different sensations, like in a second the music makes you think about the person you most love and the other in the most hate? If ,so strange as it may seem rather , but yes...
   Lee: Bingo! It was something I was expecting you to say ..
   Kiyou: Can you explain, I'm already finding it very strange and don't understanding anything ...
   Lee: I'll explain from scratch but without interruptions ...
   Kiyou Please ...
   Lee: Human being is so fantastic, and there are mysteries in it that no one can understand, no one knows the reason. Dreams for example, because we have the impression that we know what will happen in real life because we have seen it in our minds? Some call it deja vu, others think it is signs, but everything is just a simple detail, during the day we are always busy with something: work, school, hobbies, anything, it all rationally. In dreams there is no rational or logical, that is a projection of your mind about whether or not a thought or a desire repressed by something external to it, In short in dreams there is no impossible.
   Lee: And what is a thought? It's what many have researched and continue searching, but always has one and another that says one thing and you know how people hear one thing and if properly persuaded it becomes a truth to it, so neither do I know what it is a thought, but   isn't the point, but we can divide the thoughts in some types, the essential are the emotions and wills; the dialectic, that is where as if it had a voice telling you to do this and the anti-dialectical, the human mind is like a giant HD capable today incalculable, and  dividing into 2 parts the first that some call RAM or Automatic registration memory is where thought takes shape like I say apple and you immediately thought of what? In the fruit? You imagine her shape. The other part is what we call windows, doors, rooms, etc. In short is the hd I said there are all your good memories and bad each in its own window, good in light windows, and the bad that is the traumas and fears in the dark windows or killer as you prefer. With this you could say that every human being has two sides good and bad, but what happens if we join the two opposite feelings, the two sides in the same window? That is where the key to human mental potential, join logical to illogical, joy and sorrow, love and hate ...
   Kiyou: Ahem ...
   Lee: The 3rd side is this, and exploring this is how we can use our 'powers', and there are several ways to understand this, you can learn naturally but is rare, I believe that only a few people today have achieved this, Saya is one of them; you can learn from a very shocking experience, but never heard of people who were mentally healthy to go through it, and these in most cases ends up in a mental hospital, that when they die or commit suicide due to the shock, there are several other ways but I believe that conventional is by increasing perception through controlled disconnection with reality, like a psychedelic trip ... Can you connect the dots now?
   Kiyou: I see ... What you wanted me to 'awaken' using the psychedelic music, but and that thing what you do ...?
   Lee: It takes some time to learn how to use brain waves as extensions of the body, I can say that they are almost useless against someone who also knows uses them even more if it is someone who can read minds, then it is good to strengthen physically as well, stand up let's see how you fight, meanwhile I'll explain more about how we use our powers, you can come ...
   Kiyou: Ok, here i go...
   Lee [dodging ones and stopping other Kiyou's blows without much effort]: Humans use all the potential of the brain as opposed to what some say, the proof is the automatic memory record storing things during all the time in your mind endlessly even small details that you ignore, and everything goes to the windows in your mind, imagine a floor of a building with thousands and thousands of doors, and at the same time you are generating thoughts like trying to kick me in the knee ...
   Kiyou: (!? What) !!!
[Lee holds the kick and pushes Kiyou away with the palm of the hand]
   Kiyou: KYAAAAAAA ...
   Kiyou [rising]: it's not over yet ...
[In another hospital room]
   Masaki [while tidying something]: Give me please the screwdriver Shin
[Noise in the background]: kyaaaaaaaaa ...
   Shin [handing the screwdriver]: Wow, they are already having fun ...
   Masaki: Lee you mean huhu
   Shin: Oh yeah, hahahahaha
[Empty Floor]
   Lee: Have you ever wondered where will stop the useless information that you collect all the time?
   Kiyou [running toward Lee]: No ...
   Lee: That's why there is a 3rd type of neutral windows, they have information that you use one time or another, this does not cause overloading of useless information ...
   Lee [holding the punch Kiyou]: That's it? You think you can stop your father like this? C'mon, show me what you can do ...
   Kiyou [with a more determined look]: grrrr ... [tries to hit Lee with varying strokes]
   Lee: It´s improving ... What hap
   Kiyou [interrupting]: STOP TALKING!
Lee: What, that bother you? So be good enough to make me fight you on equal terms, and I hope you are paying attention to all I'm saying.
   Kiyou: .......
   Lee: What happens if I start thinking too much and create many windows at once? Happens to SPA  the racing thoughts syndrome, you can't concentrate right and if you can't control it while using brain waves can come into a coma lucid, or brain death ...
   Kiyou [while trying to punch]: That's what happened to Saya?
   Lee [away]: Maybe, but Saya doesn't lose her concentration so easily ...
   Kiyou: (Gotcha !!) [trying to kick while Lee dodged]
   Lee: You think I'd fall for that [Holding the kick and sending Kiyou away again]?
   Kiyou: KYAAAAAAAAA ...
   Lee: Are you okay?
Kiyou: arf arf arf arf arf Yes [standing], but you arf arf will not get me again ...
   Lee [indifferent]: The area of the windows as I said is where are the memories, and each window has a memory specifically and it's as if the various memories connected to something they were in chain, one connected to another may even light windows lead to windows killer or or the reverse, or the neutral windows, so the work to explore a mind isn't easy, and only a few have the knack to do it quickly ... and because the RAM is impossible to prevent the memory creation which makes it even more complicated ...
   Kiyou [running again]: And where do you differ from normal people?
   Lee: (He is paying attention, and is thinking a way to make me stop talking, that's good he may have future on this) Hmmm
Kiyou [trying to hit Lee again with a kick]: LOOK THERE SAYA IS WALKING!
   Lee: I already said that you will not deconcentrate me so easily [secure the kick try to play Kiyou away again]
   Kiyou: NOT AGAIN [throws on Lee trying to make a blow in which he falls back due to the impact and weight]
   Lee: ........
   Lee: That was ridiculous, but it was your best attempt so far, you made me use a brainwave to create a wall behind me ...
   Kiyou: (WALL !? BUT WHE) [lee plays Kiyou away again] KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
   Kiyou [still in the air looking for Lee without understanding what was going on] (T-THAT HAS A WALL BEHIND HIM !!!)
[Kiyou was going to fall again this time more violently because had been thrown through the air but before it touches the ground is held by one of the brainwaves of Lee laying on the floor]
   Lee: And you would be seriously hurt now !! And I never said I would not use my advantage over you ... Our difference for normal people is that we can control the selectivity of memory.              While almost all of the people open up to some windows at a time and of a single type, we train our mind to open multiple windows and of different types, the greater the amount of open windows,more strong, and the more balanced the amount of light and killer windows, more perfect is the wave. Let's stop for today ...
Kiyou: None of this, I want you to teach me how to use it ...
   Lee: I told you that takes time, and if you don't assimilate the work of your own mind first, you will never be able to use a wave, or else it will be useless when you need it ...
   Kiyou: ........ How long?
   Lee: That will depend on you ... We continue tomorrow ...
   Kiyou [already standing a little discouraged]: Daisuke told me that his brother may be in the US this means that the resistance is as great as the organization, and why you have not done anything ?
   Lee: I told you they control the world, and are influential even on the media both conservative as radical and even though we start a war now many innocent people would end up being killed ...
   Kiyou: Have you tried the Internet?
   Lee: I just said, the Internet is also on the control
   Kiyou [interrupting]: I'm not saying to do something silly, I say knowing that the internet is big enough to have glitches and even the most powerful governments can't control all the content network ...
   Lee: The Internet Organization's made, it
   Kiyou [interrupting]: Yes but a creation with glitches, these glitches occur for example when  a hidden contents escapes from the hands of governments, being shared and spread in a matter of minutes like a virus ...
   Lee: What do you mean?
   Kiyou: I think I know a way to try something, but let's take some time at I could do this, you can get me some computers with internet access?
   Lee: I think there is some here in the hospital, but if you'll try something tell me first all you are thinking and perhaps I can give you a helping hand ...
   Kiyou: So is this ...
[A few hours later by the sunsets in the hospital coverage]
   Kiyou [coming alone on the roof]: whistling (I liked this place has a good view of the suns ...) So it was here that you were ... Mei ...
   Mei [with a murderous look]: Ahh again could you stop following me !!?
   Kiyou [desperate] :( dammit now she gonna kill me) C-CALM !!! I just ... (gulp) I just want to apologize for another day ...
   Mei: What did you say?
   Kiyou: Sorry, I didn't mean to say that I did not know ...
   Mei: WHO TOLD YOU !!!!!
   Kiyou: (How does she know who told me about her) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!! w-was [speaks anything and low and inaudible]
   Mei: Who?
   Kiyou: I speak to you if you don't hit him ...
   Mei: And you're in a position to ask for something [aiming a punch at Kiyou] ...
   Kiyou: (gulp) Was Daisuke !!!
   Mei [stopping the punch] ahahahahahahahahahahahaha
   Kiyou: W-what's going on?
   Mei: That Daisuke  theres no way haha, and you need to see your face ...
   Kiyou: ????
   Mei: Apologies accepted, if you promise to talk less ...
   Kiyou: Y-yes.
   Mei: We can't complete our mission in the night we met you, it was just another false track, and you've reminded me of everything and I am the one who have to apologize for the punch, because I ended up cashing my rage on you ...
   Kiyou: n-no problems ...
   Mei: Don't be afraid I will not beat you ...
   Kiyou [relieved and sighing]: ahhh good.
   Mei: hahaha
   Kiyou [more serious]: So can I ask you something i didn't understand?
   Mei: Say ...
   Kiyou: If you hate the organization because they play with people's minds why you joined the resistance and learned how to use these powers?
   Mei: ah this is ...
   Kiyou: ..........
   Mei [looking at the sun] is because I decided that I will free the world from their hands and I at first thought there was no other way, but after a while I found a way to get revenge ...
   Kiyou: .....
   Mei: I'll payback in the same currency ...
   Kiyou: I'm also looking for revenge against someone of the organization ....
   Mei: and who are?
   Kiyou: my dad, Lee told me that he is probably one member of the Organization and I will personally put an end to it ...
   Mei: I knew of your family, and I understand your desire for revenge, but I notice you something ...
   Kiyou: ...
   Mei: I hope that haven't your father been responsible for the death of my family ...
   Kiyou: Why?
   Mei: because it was him, I will be one who will exterminate him
   Kiyou [looking at the sun]: Only if I don't do before ...


The resistance agrees to use the idea of kiyou, the consequences of it in the next chapter, until next week


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